About the Prize
The Frederick O’Reilly Hayes Prize, established in 2005, is awarded annually to individuals relatively early in their careers in New York City government who have led outstanding, high-impact project work. It honors the life and career of Fredrick O'Reilly Hayes (1923-2002), an extraordinary public servant who promoted and contributed to excellence of management in government at all levels. Hayes served as the Budget Director in New York City in the 1960’s.
Past awards, among others, have recognized these achievements: a comprehensive revision of the City’s building code; design and implementation of “Bus Time” for real time information on location of buses; predictive crime analytics now widely used in the NYPD; a program for community based mental health care for detainees released from Department of Juvenile Justice facilities; a new approach to assess needs for housing services for those with HIV/AIDs.
Since 2008, the nominating process for the Prize has been conducted by the New York City Department of Administrative Services. The Department solicits nominations for the Prize from all City agencies, making it possible to generate nominations for a wide range of candidates.
Former prize winners lead in evaluating nominations and selecting new prize recipients. Prize winners receive a cash award of up to $7,500.
The Prize is overseen by a committee largely of those who have served with Fred in the administration of John V. Lindsay and former prize winners. Current members of the committee are: Carter Bales, Ruby Choi, Peter Goldmark, Joan Hochman, Steven Isenberg, B.J. Jones, Joan Leiman, Carol O’Cleireacain, Alan Silberstein, Patrick Sullivan and Jonathan Weiner.

We ask you to consider a contribution to this effort. Contributions are tax-deductible.
Donations may be made online here: https://fredhayes.ejoinme.org/MyPages/
Alternatively, checks should be made to:
The Frederick O’Reilly Hayes Prize Foundation, Inc and sent to:
Jon Weiner, President
The Frederick O’Reilly Hayes Prize Foundation Inc.
16 West 77th Street 6F
New York, NY 10024​
Financial Note:
The Frederick O’Reilly Hayes Prize Foundation Inc., a 501c3 tax exempt organization, promotes innovations in government service by recognizing extraordinary work of individuals at relatively early points in their careers in government, primarily with the annual award of Fred Hayes Prizes to talented public servants in New York City Government and recently through special awards to those who have done remarkable work helping their City agencies respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Foundation’s sole support is from individual donations from “Friends of Fred” who have worked with and for Fred Hayes, who have been former prize winners, and others interested in New York City public service.
In 2020, the Foundation made prize awards for its regular Prizes and for its special COVID-19 response prizes totaling $27,000. During that year the Foundation received donations totaling $14,289. The difference came from funds available to the Foundation from past donations and from income earned from investments of these past donations. At the close of 2020, funds at the Foundation or available to it totaled $232,277.
The Foundation files forms 990 annually with the IRS. These forms, available for public inspection, are on the IRS website at:
The Foundation welcomes donations to help ensure it can continue to recognize and reward outstanding work in public service. Please go to the “Support the Prize” tab to make your donation.